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Top 2023 Fall Flooring Trends

Top 2023 Fall Flooring Trends

As the seasons change and the air becomes crisp at the beach, it's the perfect time to give your beach home flooring a cozy and stylish makeover. Flooring is a fundamental element of interior design, and this fall, Flooring Elegance is here to provide you with the latest flooring innovations.

Let's explore the top 2023 fall flooring trends:

Wide Plank Flooring

Wide plank flooring is making a big statement this season. Its broad, luxurious boards bring a sense of sophistication and warmth to any room. These planks create the illusion of larger spaces and add a touch of rustic charm to your beach home. Opt for classic hardwood wide plank floors, or use modern, eco-friendly materials to suit your style. If you're looking for inspiration, check out our Pinterest Boards!

Unique Tile Colors and Patterns

This season, think outside the box with unique tile colors and patterns. Whether you're redesigning your kitchen, bathroom, or any other space, tiles in bold, vibrant hues and unconventional patterns are all the rage. Create a focal point with intricate mosaic patterns, or introduce a splash of color with rich, jewel-toned tiles to liven up your interiors. Plus, tile makes for easy cleaning, which is great for spaces where you might track in sand. Check out our in-store showroom or our online gallery for ideas.

Sustainable Materials

Sustainability is an enduring trend, and this fall is no different. Embrace eco-conscious choices in your flooring. Look for materials that are not only visually stunning but also environmentally friendly. Flooring Elegance offers a wide selection of sustainable flooring to cater to your responsible design needs. Our team can help bring your vision to life with design help and installs, so be sure to ask!

Light Neutral Colors

Light and neutral colors have a timeless appeal; they're taking the spotlight this fall. These shades create an open, airy feel in any room, making your space warm and welcoming. Light gray, soft beige, and delicate pastels provide a perfect backdrop for decor and furnishings. If you're looking for help designing spaces that compliment the beach, Flooring Elegance is local to Santa Rosa Beach, Florida and we are happy to help!

Luxury Vinyl Plank

Luxury vinyl plank continues to be a game-changer in the flooring industry. Often compared to hardwood, it provides the perfect combination of style and durability. With stunning wood and stone patterns that look and feel authentic, it's an excellent choice for areas of your home with high foot traffic. Luxury vinyl plank is also known for its water-resistant properties, ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, and beach homes. Explore luxury vinyl plank ideas on our Pinterest.

Top 2023 Fall Flooring Trends are all about embracing the beauty, comfort, and sustainability that modern flooring can offer. Whether you prefer the classic elegance of wide plank flooring, bold tile patterns, sustainable materials, light neutrals, or the practical luxury of vinyl plank, Flooring Elegance has the best flooring solutions to elevate your home's aesthetics this fall. Give your home the seasonal update it deserves, and contact Flooring Elegance today!

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